Talking Through Our Money Worries
As an entrepreneur/small business owner, is the economy starting to concern you?
That was the subject line of a recent e-mail I sent to many members of my list. As an entrepreneur, I realize I'm in a luxury business. And while I truly live a blessed life and am quite reliably a Law of Attraction advocate, it's hard to ignore the sting of $4/gallon fuel. And even as I believe the media is squarely responsible for much of the hype and fear-mongering surrounding our current economic climate, I also know the reality is that things are changing.
To that end, I thought it might be a good idea to get people together for a conversation around their feelings about the economy. Because here's what I know: what we resist persists. This means that even if we’re making a noble effort to resist our fears or concerns, we may actually be exacerbating them. So my goal was to bring together people for a chance to discuss our fears or concerns in a safe, non-threatening environment of like-minded, prosperity-conscious people, with a goal of releasing them entirely.
I invited two friends, financial coach Todd Smith and spiritual teacher Sunil Ahuja, to join me, a self-proclaimed iconoclast, in hosting an honest, open conversation about that thing we’ve probably been hesitant to admit out loud: our fears, worries, or concerns about the current financial climate. As I envisioned, it turned out to be part roundtable discussion, part group therapy session, and part prosperity groupthink.
We talked about gratitude as a way to shift and release the anxiety. One gal mentioned that she'd always thought this conversation affected "other people" - but now it's starting to affect the decisions she and her family are making, with regard to vacations and other spending habits. Another has a real concern about the viability of her business.
We're thinking we will continue our meetings and discussions...perhaps moving on to other topics, as the conversations unfold.
I've invited all the participants to post you may be seeing writings from many others than myself, going forward.
Whatever happens, if you've got comments on ways to stay positive in spite of the current financial climate, we'd love to hear them!

To that end, I thought it might be a good idea to get people together for a conversation around their feelings about the economy. Because here's what I know: what we resist persists. This means that even if we’re making a noble effort to resist our fears or concerns, we may actually be exacerbating them. So my goal was to bring together people for a chance to discuss our fears or concerns in a safe, non-threatening environment of like-minded, prosperity-conscious people, with a goal of releasing them entirely.
I invited two friends, financial coach Todd Smith and spiritual teacher Sunil Ahuja, to join me, a self-proclaimed iconoclast, in hosting an honest, open conversation about that thing we’ve probably been hesitant to admit out loud: our fears, worries, or concerns about the current financial climate. As I envisioned, it turned out to be part roundtable discussion, part group therapy session, and part prosperity groupthink.
We talked about gratitude as a way to shift and release the anxiety. One gal mentioned that she'd always thought this conversation affected "other people" - but now it's starting to affect the decisions she and her family are making, with regard to vacations and other spending habits. Another has a real concern about the viability of her business.
"The Universe showers meSo did we arrive at any solutions or conclusions? Not really. But we did discuss the need to feel through the fear, as opposed to pretending the fear simply doesn't exist. We talked about meditation as a possible release. And we all set some pretty powerful intentions...affirmations and success statements to have on hand, ready to counter the negative thoughts when they do, inevitably, flood in.
with abundance."
We're thinking we will continue our meetings and discussions...perhaps moving on to other topics, as the conversations unfold.
I've invited all the participants to post you may be seeing writings from many others than myself, going forward.
Whatever happens, if you've got comments on ways to stay positive in spite of the current financial climate, we'd love to hear them!
Labels: conversation, economy, entrepreneur, gas prices, law of attraction, prosperity